Bollywood Tickets
7219 N. Karlov Street, Lincolnwood, IL 60712
Phone: 847-420-4789
Email: sbodiwala@sbcglobal.net
Voucher Number:
BT Example
Voucher Date:
Dec 25, 2018
WOW!!! What a Great deal!!!
- Buy Ten Tickets of VVIP or VIP and Get FREE $250 worth photography package or $350 worth E-blast free for your event or Business!!!
- Buy Ten Tickets of Regular Price and Get FREE $50 worth services from USA Sakhi
Voucher Expires: Max 6 months from Voucher received date.
E-Blast Flyer - 5 times plus Social Media $350
The purpose of E-Blast is publicity (Maximum people to be aware of event) Publish your flyer in all social media including Asian Media USA website, Asian Media USA Facebook, Suresh Bodiwala Facebook, Best of Chicago Facebook, Voice of Community USA and Voice of Chicago USA, United Community, Voice of Community, Twitter, Google Photo, Instagram, Google +, Pinterest, YouTube and all email recipients of Asian Media USA, such as temples, Masjids, Gurudwaras, churches, politicians, school, colleges, entertainment, and all associations and organizations.
- Email me your flyer // Graphic designer or printing press will make flyer for you, we do not make flyer
- Write attractive subject line
- Write one paragraph whatever you want to tell audience
We will send you Test flyer for approval, Upon approval we will E-blast your flyer
Event Coverage // Photography - $500.00 [75 -80 hours of work] Driving time, covering event, editing photos, writing press release, selecting pictures for newspapers, emailing press release and Photographs to all the Newspapers. Publish photographs in all social media including Asian Media USA website, Asian Media USA Facebook, Suresh Bodiwala Facebook, Best of Chicago Facebook, Voice of Community USA and Voice of Chicago USA, United Community, Voice of Community, Twitter, Google Photo, Instagram, Google +, Pinterest, YouTube and all email recipients of Asian Media USA, such as temples, Masjids, Gurudwaras, churches, politicians, school, colleges, entertainment, and all associations and organizations]
- Our rate for Photography is $500.00
- Upon receiving $250 worth FREE photography you pay us $250
- Event must be Maximum 4 hrs anything over is $125 per hr.
- Minimum 21 days before you must book your event
- Edited pictures will be published within week
- $250 Payment must be made one week prior to event.
Buy Ten Tickets of Regular Price and Get FREE $50 worth services from USA Sakhi
See attached “USA Sakhi” flyer
Please call Sonia for Appointment 312-978-1488
Threading - $7 Eyebrows Face Polish - $15 Under Arm wax - $25
Threading - $4 Upper Lips Mini Facial - $15 Leg Arm wax - $25
Full Face wax - $35 Full Facial - $40, $50 and $60 Full Leg - $25Ravi Tammana
Face Bleach - $15 Full Arm wax - $25 And Many more